الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركاتـــه
Oracle XSQL
Description: * Presents a complete approach to building XML Web applications and Web services with XSQL, Oracle Text, SQL, XSLT, and Java from data found in Oracle databases
Language: English
ISBN: 0471271209
Paperback: 448 pages
Data: January 3, 2003
Format: PDF
حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ

Oracle XSQL

Description: * Presents a complete approach to building XML Web applications and Web services with XSQL, Oracle Text, SQL, XSLT, and Java from data found in Oracle databases
* Offers expert tips on how to enhance XSQL with servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)
* Provides a detailed comparison of XSQL and XQuery
* Companion Web site contains the code examples in the book as well as useful links where readers can download the Oracle XDK
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition* Provides a detailed comparison of XSQL and XQuery
* Companion Web site contains the code examples in the book as well as useful links where readers can download the Oracle XDK
Language: English
ISBN: 0471271209
Paperback: 448 pages
Data: January 3, 2003
Format: PDF

حمـــل الكتــاب من الرابط في المرفقــات
تحيــــاتــ و تقديـــري لكـــم ـــــي
ملاحظة: اذا كان الرابط لا يعمل ارجو التبليغ