Ansys MULTIPHYSICS V10.0 للتصاميم الالكترونية


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Ansys MULTIPHYSICS V10.0 للتصاميم الالكترونية


░ In the past, obtaining all of the simulation capabilities needed for
░ complex and demanding modeling scenarios frequently meant combining
░ several different software packages. ANSYS Multiphysics provides the
░ analysis industry's most comprehensive coupled physics tool combining
░ structural, thermal, CFD, acoustic and electromagnetic simulation
░ capabilities into a single software product. With ANSYS Multiphysics,
░ you are getting the entire ANSYS simulation suite in one
░ convenient package!
░ ANSYS Multiphysics integrates the power of direct (matrix) and
░ sequential (load vector) coupling to combine the appropriate "physical
░ fields" required for accurate, reliable simulation results in
░ applications ranging from cooling systems, power generation, to
░ biotechnology and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The software
░ easily simulates complex thermal-mechanical, fluid-structural and
░ electrostatic-structural interactions, and includes the complete range
░ of powerful ANSYS iterative, direct and eigenvalue matrix solvers

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  • ANS10.rar
    43.9 KB · المشاهدات: 98
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