بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قائمة all programs كبيرة جدا :wacko:
مللت في كل مرة من البحث عن البرامج فيها :whistling
سطح المكتب أمتلأ بالمصغرات
الأن لا مشاكل مع البرنامج TurboLaunch v5.07
البرنامج عبارة عن تول بار يحمل البرامج مصنفة تفتحه وتصل لبرنامجك بكل سهولة
للبرنامج إفتراضية يمكنك التحكم به وتغييرها وتصنيف برامج للوصول لها بسرعة
يمكنك البرنامج أيضا من عمل كود معيين لفتح برنامج بسرعة
مثلا ( shift + f ) لفتح flashget
ويمكنك عمل زر غلق الجهاز
وزر لعمل ريستارت
وزر لفتح الكنترول بانل
وزر لغلق الشاشة ع المستخدمين
TurboLaunch is a fully configurable tool-bar style application that can be set up to run many programs and perform certain pre-programmed actions. Like a toolbar, pictures are used to distinguish what a button is configured to do. TurboLaunch automatically uses the default icon, but you have complete control and can change the icon to whatever you want!
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قائمة all programs كبيرة جدا :wacko:
مللت في كل مرة من البحث عن البرامج فيها :whistling
سطح المكتب أمتلأ بالمصغرات
الأن لا مشاكل مع البرنامج TurboLaunch v5.07
البرنامج عبارة عن تول بار يحمل البرامج مصنفة تفتحه وتصل لبرنامجك بكل سهولة
للبرنامج إفتراضية يمكنك التحكم به وتغييرها وتصنيف برامج للوصول لها بسرعة
يمكنك البرنامج أيضا من عمل كود معيين لفتح برنامج بسرعة
مثلا ( shift + f ) لفتح flashget
ويمكنك عمل زر غلق الجهاز
وزر لعمل ريستارت
وزر لفتح الكنترول بانل
وزر لغلق الشاشة ع المستخدمين

TurboLaunch is a fully configurable tool-bar style application that can be set up to run many programs and perform certain pre-programmed actions. Like a toolbar, pictures are used to distinguish what a button is configured to do. TurboLaunch automatically uses the default icon, but you have complete control and can change the icon to whatever you want!
The buttons on TurboLaunch are easy to configure! By dragging and dropping programs, files, shortcuts, or folders, you can instantly configure that button to run the dropped object. You can also configure buttons manually by specifying their command, parameters, working folder, and window style. You even have the ability to assign a shortcut key to any button, allowing you to quickly run that button with a simple keyboard command.
Not only can you configure a button to run a program, but you can also configure buttons to perform certain pre-programmed actions. By configuring a button to Activate the Screen Saver, Shutdown Windows, Install a Program, Reboot the System, or more, you have single-click access to things that normally take several steps to perform!
You can also configure any button on TurboLaunch to establish a network connection (such as the Internet or a VPN connection). This makes connecting to your Internet service provider a snap, with cool features such as Auto Redial and Disconnect if Already Connected. Assign a shortcut key to your network connection so you can connect and disconnect with just a simple keystroke!
TurboLaunch is fully configurable. You can adjust the number of rows and columns of buttons that appear on the TurboLaunch window, or even organize them into groups. Remove the title bar, make TurboLaunch always stay on top of other windows, and resize the buttons bigger or smaller for easier viewing or to save screen space!
Not only can you configure a button to run a program, but you can also configure buttons to perform certain pre-programmed actions. By configuring a button to Activate the Screen Saver, Shutdown Windows, Install a Program, Reboot the System, or more, you have single-click access to things that normally take several steps to perform!
You can also configure any button on TurboLaunch to establish a network connection (such as the Internet or a VPN connection). This makes connecting to your Internet service provider a snap, with cool features such as Auto Redial and Disconnect if Already Connected. Assign a shortcut key to your network connection so you can connect and disconnect with just a simple keystroke!
TurboLaunch is fully configurable. You can adjust the number of rows and columns of buttons that appear on the TurboLaunch window, or even organize them into groups. Remove the title bar, make TurboLaunch always stay on top of other windows, and resize the buttons bigger or smaller for easier viewing or to save screen space!
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Name: www.keygen.ws
Serial: 9ASXT4-1K626W-8XPL73