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السلام عليكم
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اريد كتاب redbook الذي يشرح openGL
مرحبا أريد كتاب لينكس باللغة العربية والأنجليزية وبكون اكتير شاكرة الكم

يرجى عدم وضع الاميل
يا ريت كتاب pathology

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته نفسى أحمل كتاب robin,sفي الpathology و يا ريت حد يساعدني :rolleyes: :smile:
ابن مصر قال:
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته نفسى أحمل كتاب robin,sفي الpathology و يا ريت حد يساعدني :rolleyes: :smile:

Whose Disease? Eponymous Pathology

There are a very large number of diseases in medicine that are named after the individual who first described them. This practice confers a sort of immortality on the original describer of the disease but sometimes leads to confusion in the minds of medical students (and others too!) who may not recall easily the pathological entity that lies behind the eponymous title. Some diseases that bear their discoverer’s name are so well known that they are commonly recognized even among the “laity”. Hodgkin’s disease comes to mind. Others are so specialized that they are recognized by only a few initiates in highly specialized fields of medical science. There are a great many of these. In general terms the best known diseases were all described many years ago and the individuals who described them may be considered lucky to have been around at a time when medical science was in it’s infancy and competition was not so fierce. In more recent times, as all of the “good” diseases have been snapped up, it is the lot of medical detectives to seek their recognition (and immortality) in less common diseases. Medical men have given their names not only to specific disease states, sometimes they have donated their appellations to specific signs of disease or to a particular test that the investigator developed or even to a particular histological appearance that is seen in a specific disease. Many of these will also be found in the following pages. Finally, not all diseases that have a “name” attached are named after the person who first discovered them. There are examples where the name of the first patient or family to be described with a disease has become associated with the disorder, Christmas disease is one such disorder, indeed on occasion only the patient’s initials are used—as in the naming of the JC virus.

Intended for medical students taking a pathology course, this reference lists approximately 200 diseases, conditions, organisms, and tests that are commonly referred to by the name of the physician or scientist who discovered them. The short entries cite etiology, clinical features, pathology, associated problems, laboratory tests, and prognosis. A three star system rates the importance of each disease to help students focus their study efforts. Spiral binding. booknews.com

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مع الشكر
eng.samia قال:
مرحبا أريد كتاب لينكس باللغة العربية والأنجليزية وبكون اكتير شاكرة الكم

يرجى عدم وضع الاميل

Linux Enterprise Cluster


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السلام عليكم ورحمة شكراً على اهتمامك ولكن أنت لم تفهم ما أقصد أنا عايز كتابpathology و الرابط اللي موجود مش شغال
النبراس العربي قال:
وانا اخوي لو تكرمت اريد كتاب في الفيزياء الميكانيكية والكهربائية والتداخل والحيود..... عاجل اخوي

اهلا بك

اكتب اسماء الكتب بالانجليزي صح وحياك الله

مع الشكر
ابن مصر قال:
لماذا لم ترد عليا يا أخيfiles isn,t uploaded at this http://rapidshare.de/files/2470108/...isease.rar.html
وده بخصوص كتاب الpathologyيا مشرفنا العزيز


Hardcover: 468 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (August 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 080584077X
Reviewer: Gerrit Crouse (Nyack, NY)

I am a retired psychologist-psychoanalyst, my specialization since 1964: schizophrenia. I bought the Maddux book as the title sounded innocent enough, & the publisher is quite reputable. I read the chapter on schizophrenia, a subject on which I have written a book, which I hope will be published soon. I didn't throw up, but maybe would have felt better if I had.
Schizophrenia, it is announced at the outset, is an incurable brain disease, even though there are no physiological changes in the brain differentiable from those seen in PTSD. The treatment of choice, it is further reported, is the latest (therefore most expensive) medications, with additional meds to muffle the side effects of the first when required. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is also recommended (a wonderful term, you can tell just what it means by what it omits: feeling, & meaning. What if a patient appears cured? Do not be fooled! Sly deviants that they are, they are only in remission. The bibliography was barely believable. Few citations were much over a decade old, I suppose this to show us how up to date we all are now; the giants of our field over the last 100 years were almost totally absent, as if they had never been at all. This is cutting-edge 1880s psychology, together with the contemporary managed care-big pharmaceutical (they're the folks who visit hospitals & distribute the latest editions of textbooks they approve of to psychiatric residents free, with other perks)-biological psychiatry coalition. The book is addressed to the New Clinicians, who treat insurance policies, not patients, who provide the personnel for the "industrialization of psychotherapy" advertised by managed care companies, maximizing thruput of patient material through the hospital industrial system with maximal efficiency, minimal cost (to themselves), minimal time, minimal expenditure of resources, then take the money and run, cagily to invest it. A sad testimonial to how far our field has fallen, and how fast. I read with a pencil, so I couldn't return it, so I took it downstairs to the garbage room. I couldn't bear to have it in my home.

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dr_ima قال:
أريد كتاب عن نماذج الاتصالcommunication models

Building communication modules for the
Publish/Subscribe communication paradigm using
Colored Petri nets
Hareesh Nagarajan
CS542: Spring 2005
Dr. Sol Shatz
University of Illinois at Chicago

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