بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لعبة Juiced من أقوى العاب سباق وتحدى السيارات والسرعة بمساحة 277 ميجا

Immerse yourself in the lifestyle, community, and risk-taking attitude of the street scene with Juiced-modding. More than an arcade racer, Juiced pits you against a wide range of characters with enhanced driving machines on the street. In a series of increasingly risky challenges, you can earn cash, cars and pride.
- متطلبات التشغيل -
933MHz CPU
DirectX 9.0 or better
3D accelerated video card that supports DirectX9c
NVIDIA GeForce2 or better
ATI 8500 32 MB or higher
Integrated Graphics Intel 915G or higher
256 MB of RAM
2.6 GB of free hard disk space
- مساحة اللعبة 277 ميجا -
