لعبة الأكشن والمغامرات TAGAP 2 بمساحة 207 ميجا

TAGAP 2 continues the story of cyber-penguins Pablo and Pedro, who now have joined forces. Following the events of TAGAP, our waddling heroes stumble on even bigger zombie penguin army, spearheaded by general Primo, the most epic cyber-penguin ever! More advanced and better equipped, Primo and his troops are going to accomplish what their predecessors failed to achieve; To conquer the world!
- متطلبات تشغيل اللعبة -
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
1000+ MHz processor
256+ Mb RAM
Aprox. 350 Mb free hard disk space
OpenGL compatible video card
Windows compatible sound card
Keyboard and mouse
- مساحة اللعبة 207 ميجا -
