لعبة Orbiter 2010 عيش مغامرات سفن الفضاء بمساحة 129 ميجا

Orbiter is a real-time 3D space flight simulator for the Windows PC. The concept is similar to traditional flight simulator software, but you are not limited to atmospheric flight. Orbiter allows you to experience manned and unmanned space flight missions from the pilot's perspective.
- متطلبات تشغيل اللعبه -
- Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/Win7/8
- 1.2 GHz Pentium or equivalent processor
- 512 MB system RAM
- DirectX 7 or newer
- DirectX compatible graphics card with 64 MB of memory
- Approx. 120 MB free hard disk space for minimum installation.
- مساحة اللعبه 129 ميجا -
