RAR Reepair Tools 3.1 برنامج جديد لتصليح الملفات المضغوطة RAR ......!!!!!

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طاقم الإدارة
الســـــــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركاتـــــه

RAR Reepair Tools 3.1



اذا كان لديك ملف من نوع RAR أي ملف مضغوط ببرنــامج winrar قمة بفك ضغطه لكن ظهرت لك رسالة خطأ....؟؟؟؟؟:sweatingb
لا تقلق يمكنك بهذا البرنامج تصليح الملف المضغوط و تصليح جميع الأخطاء الموجودة به
هذا آخر اصدارللبرنـــامــــج مـــارس 2007
Compressed archives have long become the most popular form of data storage and transmission. But there remains one problem - the integrity of the archive structure of such rar files that we easily copy to removable media or send over networks. Until recently, file damage, something we can not escape in the process of data transfer and storage, created a potential weakness of rar archives. The new generation of rar repair tools, however, provides a way to fix your corrupted rar files by applying sophisticated recovery algorithms and powerful rar repair engines.

Many things can cause file damage. The noise, introduced into downloads by line overload can cause transfer errors and finally corrupt your rar file. Physical damage to removable media can bring disruption into archive integrity and as a result you will have a rar file in need for recovery. Ordinary rar applications fail to extract archives whose integrity was disrupted. In case of a rar file damage, it is the cyclic redundancy check, or CRC, that prevents you from extracting its contents, even if their part is intact. Instead, a notification appears, saying "Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive". When damage prevents you from accessing archives, use Rar Repair Tool v3.1, the state-of-the-art software specifically developed to recover corrupted rar files from damage. Its sophisticated algorithm helps repair rar archive structure and restore data within. The program handles rar repair in the automatic mode, relieving the user of the technical side of the process. Its user-friendly interface makes rar repair but a snap.
حجـــم البرنـــامــــج :3.07MB
اصدار البرنـــامـــج:RAR Reepair Tools 3.1
حمــــل البــرنــــامــــــج من هنـــــــــا

حمــــــل الكرك من المرفقــــــــــات:)
طريقة الكرك : أنسخ ملفات الكرك في مجلد البرنــامج

كلمة السر للبرنامج و الكرك المضغوطين:
Rich (BB code):
تحيـــــــــاتي و تقديـــــــري لكـــم


  • Crack RarRepair.rar
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شكرا جزيلا ورزقك اللّه بكلّ برنامج ألف ألف ألف حسنة.
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