Nanostructures_Fabrication and Analysis


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Nanostructures_Fabrication and Analysis

مشاهدة المرفق 87553
Book Description
Publication Date: December 20, 2006 | ISBN-10: 3540375775 | ISBN-13: 978-3540375777 | Edition: 1

The main theme of this book is the exploration the underlying physical laws that permit the fabrication of nanometer-scale structures. As researchers attempt to fabricate nanometer-scale structures which do not exist per se, they must still employ the natural laws to fabricate them through processes such as self-assembly. So it turns out that our techniques for fabrication of nanometer-scale structures are not artificial but actually rely on the natural laws. We even find that nanometer-scale structures, e.g. fullerenes, are fabricated in nature beneath the surface of the Earth. This fact may be called the ubiquity of the nanometer-scale structures. The topics presented in the book include: scanning probe-related and near-field techniques, nanolithography, self assembling and design of novel nanostructures, as well as new nanodevices and their application.

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