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Datacad v11.08 Incl Patch
برنامج التصاميم المعمارية
22 M
DataCAD is a professional-level AEC CADD program for architectural design, rendering, and construction document creation. Developed by architects and software engineers for architecture, DataCAD includes tools that make modeling and drafting easier, such as automatic door and window insertion, associative dimensioning and hatching, automated 3D framing, and OpenDWG-based DXF/DWG translators
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Datacad v11.08 Incl Patch
برنامج التصاميم المعمارية
22 M
DataCAD is a professional-level AEC CADD program for architectural design, rendering, and construction document creation. Developed by architects and software engineers for architecture, DataCAD includes tools that make modeling and drafting easier, such as automatic door and window insertion, associative dimensioning and hatching, automated 3D framing, and OpenDWG-based DXF/DWG translators
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