ادوات برنامج PrintKey-Pro v1.05│تحميل PrintKey-Pro v1.05│أداة لتصوير الشاشة


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برنامج PrintKey Pro v1.05 - تحميل PrintKey Pro v1.05 - تنزيل PrintKey Pro v1.05 - داون لود PrintKey Pro v1.05 -PrintKey Pro v1.05 Dwonload - آخر إصدار PrintKey Pro - جديد PrintKey Pro -PrintKey Pro 2013 -PrintKey Pro 2014 -

البرنامج : PrintKey Pro

إصــــدار : v1.05

وظيفة البرنامج : تصوير الشاشة

حجـم البرنامج : 11 MB ‏

ترخيص : غير مجاني

{التفعيل مرفق مع الملف}


نبذة عن البرنامج :

PrintKey Pro
الأداة الأولى لإلتقاط الشاشة للوينداوز بإستخدام مفتاح طباعة الشاشة .

The premier screen capture utility for Windows that uses the Print Screen key.

New Version 1.05 with added features
More than a screen capture utility, it is a powerful graphic editor program.

PrintKey-Pro is screen capture made simple.

PrintKey-Pro is a screen capture program that can capture the screen or any part of it with the press of the Print Screen key (or any other key you configure).

You can adjust the captured picture's brightness, contrast, color balance, size, color invert, or convert to grayscale or black and white.

Pictures can be edited, using the built-in image editors and printed or saved in multiple formats such as JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF and PCX. You can also insert text and free hand draw on the picture.

You can capture the full screen or just the active window, the client area, or any rectangular or circular area with or without the cursor.

You can preview the picture, add the date, user info, and any text you choose before printing.

All PrintKey (1997-2000) and PrintKey-Pro (2000-2012) screen capture programs are the intellectual property of program developer Alfred Bolliger.​

