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CECIL TEXBOOK OF MEDICINE 22ed Online fulltext updated
Text with Continually Updated Online Reference, Single Volume
By Lee Goldman, MD, Julius Krevans Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA; and Dennis Ausiello, MD, Jackson Professor of Clinical Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief, Medical Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
*All of the text and illustrations from the book, fully searchable, with images that can be easily downloaded into PowerPoint® format.
*Continuous updates, providing you with the very latest in medical knowledge, plus regular evidence-based alerts.
*Medical news and drug alerts.
*Over 2200 updated drug monographs linked to the text and fully searchable.
*References linked to PubMed abstracts.
*A wealth of bonus illustrations, including dermatology photographs, radiographs, EKG scans, and more.
*Self assessment questions and answers, plus a weekly Cecil's Challenge case.
*Customizable patient information sheets.
*Video clips of common procedures.