أبو القاسم
مستشار كلية الطب
Product Details:
# Hardcover: 699 pages
# Publisher: Thomson Gale (November 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0787665401
# Size: 9-12 MB
# Price: $189.00
# Format: PDF
# Hardcover: 699 pages
# Publisher: Thomson Gale (November 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0787665401
# Size: 9-12 MB
# Price: $189.00
# Format: PDF

Editorial Reviews:
Microbiology and immunology are sometimes seen as esoteric and highly specialized sciences with few interpreters to students and the lay public. The authors have selected 600 entries that highlight selected important persons, research facilities, terms, and concepts of both these fields. There are brief biographies of the well known (Salk, Jonas) and the lesser known but important (Mil stein, Cesar); and explanations of common terms (Epidemics and pandemics), uncommon terms (Retroposons and transposable elements), and acronyms like AIDS and SCID (Severe combined immunodeficiency).