الإصدارالنهائي من البرنامج المتكامل لدعم الملتميديا J.River Media Center12.0.179Final


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من أفضل البرامج التي تعتني بكل ملفات الملتميديا والذي يقوم بفتح الكثير من الإمتدادات ويمكننا القول
ان بإمكان البرنامج تنفيذ الكثير من المهام التي تعجز عنها الكثير من البرامج , وهو يمثل الكل
في واحد حيث يجمع بين مشغل الصوتيات ومشغل الملفات المرئية و برنامج إستعراض الصور
وإستخدام البرنامج له الكثير من المتعة أمام كل هذه المزايا والإمكانيات الهائله بالإضافة
الى خاصية حرق ملفاتك الصوتيه او المرئية على القرص المدمج بكل سهولة.

Music, photos, and video YOUR way - all from a single software program! Connect your PC to your home entertainment hardware and control it all with a remote! Load your music on your iPod while you watch TV! All with one easy-to-use program - MEDIA CENTER! J.River Media Center has a new user interface designed to make it even easier to organize, find and play your digital files, and to connect to hardware devices.
All-in-one media management app turns any Windows PC into an entertainment hub for complete control of your digital media. It connects PC to stereo, TV, remote control devices, digital cameras, scanners, and portable MP3 players. It plays all media, rips, burns, and organizes all your music, images, and video. MC encodes and plays all popular media formats. Powerful utilities include Media Server for streaming music and images to remote PCs.

* Organize and experience all your media. Music, photos and video YOUR way - all from a single software program! Connect your PC to your home entertainment hardware and control it all with a remote! Load your music on your iPod while you watch TV! All with one easy-to-use program - MEDIA CENTER!

* Make your media part of your digital lifestyle. Copy music from MEDIA CENTER to a portable digital audio player or move digital camera photos into MC's powerful image library. Make a CD of music for your car. Record your favorite shows and watch them on your TV. More than one soundcard? Play different music simultaneously in different rooms. MC's Media Server can even stream your music to your PC at work!

* Organize your images. The main image screen, showing thumbnails of digital camera images. An optional properties page can be opened to show details about each image.

* Theater View. A unique full screen mode. This customizable view is designed for browsing your media on a monitor or TV from across the room. Type is enlarged and navigation is simplified for easy use with a remote device.

* Mobilize your tunes. MC supports more hardware players than any other application. Now you can synchronize your library with your Apple iPod or one of many supported devices

البرنامج : J.River Media Center
الإصـدار : 12.0.179Final
الحجــــم : 14.2 MB

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  • J.River.MC.12.0.x.patch.rar
    22 KB · المشاهدات: 30
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