كيمياء تحليلية كتاب Analytical Methods for Drinking Water


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Analytical Methods for Drinking Water​


Book Properties
ISBN: 0470094915
Title: Analytical Methods for Drinking Water: Advances in Sampling and Analysis (Water Quality Measurements)
Author: P. Quevauviller and K. C. Thompson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 2005-12-09
Number Of Pages: 196

This book "Analytical Methods for Drinking Water: Advances in Sampling and Analysis" reflects this awareness in joining recent analytical developments with policy considerations. A first chapter gives an overview of EU and US drinking water policies, as well as on standardization. Analytical developments are described in depth in the second chapter, focusing on bromate in drinking water. The third chapter deals with the development of a sampling protocol for lead in drinking water, thus mixing analytical development with standardization needs. Finally, the fourth chapter focuses on standardization aspects (pre-normative research) related to materials in contact with drinking water.

This book, written by experts in the field of drinking water policy and analysis, illustrates recent scientific advances in this area, which have contributed to policy development and will be of direct use to policy-makers, water scientists, researchers and analytical laboratories.

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thanks many thanks for you

fdsfdsfdsffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


ewrerwerwerwerererwerwerwer:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

ألا نستحق كلمة طيبه بدل هذا الكلام الفرغ ؟
مخالفة ؟ خمسة مشاركات في موضوع واحد؟ عرضت نفسك للفصل ؟
الف شكرررررررررررررررررر


thank you:) :) :) :)
الكتاب رائع ونحنو بحاجة اليه ولكن الراط لا يعمل ارجو من صاحب الموضوع او احد المشرفين المساعدة في الحصول على هذا الكتاب ...
الرابط شغال 100 % ؟

رابط جديد بالمرفقات

كل عام و أنتم بخير ........


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