كيمياء تحليلية كتاب Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques - Rouessac Wiley


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كتاب مفيد للكيماويين
Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques - Rouessac Wiley​
Author: Francis Rouessac Annick Rouessac

Book Properties
ISBN: 0471981370
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Date: 2000-01-15
Number Of Pages: 445

Chemical Analysis is an essential introduction to a wide range of analytical techniques and instruments. Assuming little in the way of prior knowledge, this text carefully guides the reader through the more widely used and important techniques, whilst avoiding excessive technical detail. Covering both instrumental techniques and the situations in which they are used, the text always strives to maintain a balance between breadth and depth of coverage. Carefully structured, this book clearly differentiates between separation and spectral methods, and includes a section on more specialised techniques. Chemical Analysis
* Provides a through introduction to a wide range of the most important and widely used instrumental techniques.
* Maintains a careful balance between depth and breadth of coverage.
* Includes many examples, problems and their solutions.
Chemical Analysis will be invaluable to those studying or using instrumental techniques throughout the sciences, medicine and engineering

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