كتاب Principles of Physics: For Scientists and Engineers

محمد أمين أبو مريم

مشرف قسم الهندسة الكهربائية و الإلكترونية
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Principles of Physics: For Scientists and Engineers (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)


Book Description​

Publication Date: November 2, 2012 | ISBN-10: 3642230253 | ISBN-13: 978-3642230257 | Edition: 2013
This textbook presents a basic course in physics to teach mechanics, mechanical properties of matter, thermal properties of matter, elementary thermodynamics, electrodynamics, electricity, magnetism, light and optics and sound. It includes simple mathematical approaches to each physical principle, and all examples and exercises are selected carefully to reinforce each chapter. In addition, answers to all exercises are included that should ultimately help solidify the concepts in the minds of the students and increase their confidence in the subject. Many boxed features are used to separate the examples from the text and to highlight some important physical outcomes and rules. The appendices are chosen in such a way that all basic simple conversion factors, basic rules and formulas, basic rules of differentiation and integration can be viewed quickly, helping student to understand the elementary mathematical steps used for solving the examples and exercises. Instructors teaching form this textbook will be able to gain online access to the solutions manual which provides step-by-step solutions to all exercises contained in the book. The solutions manual also contains many tips, colored illustrations, and explanations on how the solutions were derived.​
رابط التحميل

بالتوفيق إن شاء الله

بارك الله في وقتك وجهدك وكساك ثوب الصحة والعافية
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بارك الله في وقتك وجهدك وكساك ثوب الصحة والعافية
جزاك الله خيرا على هذه المشاركة القيمة
آمييين يارب
بارك الله فيك أخي الغالي. و جزاك الله خيرا على المجهود الثمين، لما تقدمه من عون في هذا المنتدى الطيب بطيبة المشرفين و الأعضاء
حياك الله اخى العزيز
سلمت يمناك اخي الغالي محمد امين..............جزيت خيرا​