A Alamaldin
New Member
Street Fighter 2 Maluco

رابط التنزيل من هنا :chris: Street Fighter. The name conjures up memories of me wasting my allowance at the arcade beating the crap out of all the newbies. (I'll remember my childhood my own way, thank you very much). Capcom has once again dusted off their Street Fighter series and given it a shot in the arm or at least a really good Indian Burn. This game is completely 3D rendered with all of the characters looking spectacular in their new high resolution environment.
Some of your favorites are back for more, like Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Guile, Blanka, Zangief, Vega, Sagat, Sakura, and of course M.Bison. To round out the roster of 25, an additional 14 characters have been added. To someone like myself who hasn't kept up with the whole "alpha" and "ex" craze, most of these people are complete and utter strangers to me