الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمـــة الله و بركــــــــاته
من خلا هذا البرنـــــــامج الراااائع باٍمكانك حذف اي برنـــامج من الرجستري بكل سهو لة البرنامج
جديد اليوم فيفري 2007 :yes:
جديد اليوم فيفري 2007 :yes:
Compact in design yet offering amazing performance, RegSupreme Pro is the latest addition to the RegSupreme series.
While jv16 PowerTools is a complete system maintenance kit, RegSupreme Pro is the ideal choice for users looking for an easy-to-use yet supremely effective registry tool.
Key features
* Clean your computer's registry with one of the most advanced registry cleaner available today
* Find and remove hidden traces of any installed software
* Manage which programs automatically start with Windows
* Uninstall or remove software from Windows' Add/Remove software list
* Remove operating system interface features you don't need
* Remove unneeded file types
* Remove unneeded shell extensions
* Remove items from Internet Explorer's context (right click) menu
* Modify Windows' Open With menu
* Automatic repair of found problems
* The multilingual user interface allows you to use the program in all major languages or to translate it into your own language very easily
* The automatic backup feature makes backups of everything the program removes or modifies
* Full documentation included
طريقة الكرك: قم بنسخ ملف الكرك في مسار البرنامج C:\Program Files\RegSupreme Pro
بعد ذلك شغـــل البرنامج بالتـــوفيق
بعد ذلك شغـــل البرنامج بالتـــوفيق
حمل البرنـــــــامج و الكرك من المرفقـــــــــات