الســــــــــــلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركــــــــاته
AdsGone Spyware Blocker and Popup Killer 2007
برنــــــــامج لحمــــــــايتك من الهكرز:nerd:
More than just a popup blocker:
Vista Compatible - AdsGone has been tested and works on Microsoft Vista Patent Pending Popup Blocking Technology: Blocks unwanted popup ads. Allows the ones you want. Prevent Messenger Service and Web Page Dialog Ads: Block Banner Ads: Remove all the clutter of all the flashing banner ads. Kill Spyware and AdWare programs: AdsGone can detect and close trojan/virus spyware programs that serve ads.
Blocks ads from other programs: AdsGone also blocks ads and popups when using Kazaa, Morpheus, Gator, or Chat programs like ICQ, MSN, AIM, or Trillian. Block Macromedia "Flash" ads: These large animated ads take up half the screen. Automatic Updates: AdsGone periodically downloads new ad blocking data once in a while. This keeps AdsGone current with the latest advertiser tricks and spyware/adware detection.
حجــــم البرنــــــــــــامج:3.15MB
AdsGone Spyware Blocker and Popup Killer 2007
AdsGone Spyware Blocker and Popup Killer 2007
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