الســـلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــــــــــاته
Startup Master 1.2.92
لحذف البرامج التي تشتغل تلقائيا بعد تشغيل الجهــــــــــــاز جديد 2007
Startup Master is very simple, fast and convenient startup manager for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. Startup Master can help you to manage startup items.
Key futures:
* opportunity of adding, editing or deleting of items in most sections of Windows startup.
* adding startup items with Drag'n'Drop.
* automatic filtration of new items.
* notifications about startup changes.
* opportunity of recovering deleted startup items.
* exporting startup items to TXT, HTML, REG or backup file.
* importing startup items from the backup files.
* printing startup list.
* sound notification.
حجم البـــرنامج :756KB
الاٍصـــدار: V1.2.9.2
الاٍصـــدار: V1.2.9.2
السيـــريال في المرفقــــــــــــــــات