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1)A.C. Mc Bride and G.F. Roach (Editors); Fractional Calculus Research Notes , vol. 138 (1985).
2) K. .Nishimoto (Editor) : Fractional Calculus and its Applications (Tokyo) conference proc, Coll. Of Enging. Nihon .Univ. (1990).
3) K. Nishimoto ;On The Fractional Calculus of product functions
,J. Coll. Engng. Nihon.B-32,March. (1991)
4) K. .Nishimoto;Ding-Kuochyan, Shih-Tong ,Tu; some infinite sums via N-fractional Calculus, J. Frac.Calc.vol.20,Nov.(2001) 91-95.

5) K. Nishimoto; Unification of the intrgrals and derivatives ( A Serendipity in fractional Calculus ) J. Frac.Calc.vol.6, Nov.(1994) 1-14.
6) K.Nishimoto ; Some Theorems for N- fractional Calculus of Logarithmic functions , J.Frac.Calc.vol.21, May. (2002),7-12.
7) K.Nishimoto; N-fractional Calculus of the power and the Logarithmic and some identities (continue),J ,.Frac.Calc.vol.22,Nov. (2002)59-65
8) K.Nishimoto ;Ring and Field produced from the set of N- fractional Calculus operator , J.Frac.Calc.vol.24, Nov. (2003),29-36.
9) K.Nishimoto; N- fractional Calculus of some Elementary functions and Their semi differintegration, J.Frac.Calc.vol.31, May. (2007),63-76.
10) Pin Yu Wang,Tsu-chen Wu, Shih –TongTu; Some infinite sums via N-fractional Calculus, J. Frac.Calc. vol. 21,May(2002)71-77. 11) Shy-Der Lin, Shih-Tong Tu , Tsoi-Min Hsieh and H. M. Srivastava ; Some finite and infinite sums associated with the digamma and related functions ,Frac.Calc.vol.22,Nov.(2002)103-144 .
12) Nishimoto, K. (1996)Fractional Calculus, Vol. 5 Descartes Press, Koriyama, Japan