Robbin's And Cotran Pathologic Basis Of Disease

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Format: PDF
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1552 pages with color photos
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company; 7th Bk&Cdr edition (July 30, 2004 for hardcover)
Language: English
ISBN: 0721601871


It is hard to imagine a pathologist, whether a trainee or consultant, who would not benefit from reading or at least referring to this book. Most older pathologists will possess earlier editions as Robbins has been a standard text for many years. This seventh edition represents the evolution of the best single volume textbook on general pathology and the editors are to be congratulated in having resisted the temptation to overturn the book's familiar order in the name of innovation. Instead, they have sympathetically expanded the text, which now includes a phenomenal amount of information. A particularly welcome development is the chapter on ocular pathology for the generalist and the reorganisation of the chapter on infectious diseases taxonomically. The book has a very broard appeal: it could be read with profit by consultant pathologists, but is still suitable as an undergraduate text for medical students, as it starts from first principles and extends to the limits of knowledge. Robbins will remain the book of choice for diligent students, who will be inspired by the thorough scientific grounding in pathology that it provides. UK universities that believe this factual knowledge to be redundant should consider the popularity of Robbins in the US, and with practicing diagnostic pathologists in the UK, and think again.
BMA Awards 2005​

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