دورات تدريبية بشهادات معتمدة من نقابة المهندسين


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دورات تدريبية بشهادات معتمدة من نقابة المهندسين

Java Android 100 Hrs Only777 L.E
Basic Knowledge of java development
Java Syntax
Objet oriented programming with java
"Encapsulation ,Inheritance and Polymorphism "
Working with arrays and collections
Dealing with inner and anonymous classes
Date and time basics
Android Overview
The stack
Quick start
Main Building Blocks
Yamba project Overview
Android User Inetrface
Preferences ,File System ,Options menu
Java Enterprise App.Development 120 Hrs Only 800 L.E
Web Component Development with servlets & JSPs ,Java EE 6
Building Database driven applications with JPA
Business Component Development with EJB Technology , java EE 6
Developing Web services using java technology
Java SE 50Hrs Only 350 L.E
Fundamentals of the java programming Language , Java SE 6
Java programming language, Java SE 6
Developing Applications with the Java SE 6 Platform
Object-Oriented analysis and design using UML
Java Server Faces (JSF) 35 Hrs Only 350 L.E
Java EE fundamentals-Java EE overview
Designing Java EE Applications
Exploring the JDeveloper IDE
Examining the EJB model
Asynchronous Communication with Message-Drive Beans
Managing transactions with session and Message-Driven Beans
Developing a web application using servlets
Developing a web application using Java Server pages
Designing the web tier using JSF
Developing JSF pages using ADF faces
Enriching applications using ADF faces
ADF Data Binding : A Deeper Dive
Mastering Task Flows
Navigation and other operations in JSF
Responding to Events
Securing Java EE Applications
Implementing security in ADF Applications
Packaging and Deploying Java EE Applications
Troubleshooting the Application
ORACLE 130Hrs -- Only 1000l.E
Oracle Developer 11G
Oracle data base: Introduction to SQL
Oracle database: program with Pl/SQL
Oracle fusion middleware 11G:
Build application with oracle forms
Oracle reports developer 10G:Build reports
APEX 100 Hrs Only 800 L.E
Creating a basic APEX Application
Themes and Templates
Extending APEX
Creating Websheet Applications
APEX plug-ins
Creating Multilingual APEX application
Using webservices
Publishing from APEX
APEX Environment
APEX administration
Team Development
Arc Diploma – الدبلومه المعماريه 80 Hrs Only 560 L.E
* Photoshop :
Introduction to Photoshop
Select Tools
Crop ,Eydrropper ,Healing ,Clone stamp
History Brush ,Eraser ,Gradient Tools ,Shape Tool
Layer Effect
Layout Project
Elevation Project
Interior Project
* 3Ds MAX :
Program Interface
View Port Configuration
Standard Primitives
Compound Object
Transform Tools
Modifier List
Editable Spline
Editable poly
*3D City
Build a city scape 3d step by step
اظهار معمار- اظهار وجهه – المواد المستخدمه لأى مشروع
Windows – Word 18 Hrs 60 L.E
Microsoft Windows
Windows XP Basics
Working With Windows
Using Applications And Getting Help
Advanced Tools
The Control Pamel
Maintaining, Orgnizating And Troubleshooting
Print and burn CDs
Microsoft Word
Getting Started with Microsoft Word
Document Formating
Cut, Copy & Paste
Multi page Documents
The drawing Toolbar, Word Art
Letter heads and more …..
Create Tables in Word

الحجز واستلام الشهادة من نقابة المهندسين بالدقهلية بجوار مبني المحافظة
الحجز برسوم إدارية 4 جنيه لأعضاء النقابة و10 جنيه لغير ذلك
للحجز والاستعلام :Excellence Gate
حي الجامعة برج المنصورة - الدور الاول علوي - خلف ستاد الجامعة بجوار معرض سيارات اوتو زيرو
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