ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2006-02


مشرف سابق
Title: ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2006-02
Author: Wiley W. Souba Mitchell P., M.D. Fink Gregory J., M.D. Jurkovich Larry P., M.D. Kaiser William H. Pearce John H. Pemberton Nathaniel J. Soper
Publisher: Webmd Professional Publishing
Publication Date: 2006-02-13
Number Of Pages: 1758​


ACS Surgery: Principles & Practice, the official text of general surgery of the American College of Surgeons, provides surgeon-to-surgeon advice on the latest best outcome decision making and patient care. (Edited by Wiley W. Souba, 1,758 pages, published in February 2006.)

The new edition of ACS Surgery has 27 new chapters…these chapters, together with the chapters that have been updated, represent a 37% change in content from the 2005 edition. All subjects are covered in detail, and the chapters include many valuable algorithms. As always, ACS Surgery delivers practical, current guidance for the urgent and crucial treatment decisions surgeons make every day. Here are some of the NEW things ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 2006 edition has to offer:

*Performance Measures in Surgical Practice – What surgeons need to know about the new measures to guide quality improvement

*Expanded GI Section – New chapters include Tumors of the Stomach, Duodenum, and Small Bowel; Tumors of the Pancreas, Biliary Tract, and Liver; Fulminant Ulcerative Colitis; Hereditary Colorectal Cancer and Polyposis Syndromes; Adenocarcinoma of the Colon and Rectum; Motility Disorders

*New Thorax Section – New chapters on common problems and procedures, including Dysphagia; Chest Wall Mass; Chest Wall Procedures; Paralyzed Diaphragm

*Expanded Vascular Section – New chapters include Acute Mesenteric Ischemia; Mesenteric Revascularization Procedures; Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting; Endovascualr Procedures for Renovascular Disease; Repair of Femoral and Popliteal Artery Aneurysms


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    120 بايت · المشاهدات: 59

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

الإخوة عاطف و عادل باسورد الملف تجدونه بالمرفقات
( كيفك أخي عادل ... مختفي من مدة ... عساك بخير ... على فكرة أنا توقفت عن رفع الملفات على موقع Demonoid لأن هذا الموقع أصبح محجوب بالإمارات ... لسه بتروح هناك ؟ )

تحياتي ........


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