عام مكتبة كورسات | كورسات الجرافيك 2013 | دورات تعلمية 2013 |أقوى مكتب كورسات للجرافيك 2013 | محدث 2013


معاً من أجل الرقي بالمستوى العربي
فهرس الكورسات | كورسات الجرافيك 2013 | دورات تعلمية 2013 |مكتب كورسات الجرافيك 2013 | تورنت Torrent | روابط مباشرة | رابط واحد | الميديافير | جامبو فايل | 4 شير| كورسات عالمية | كورسات ليندا 2013
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop - برنامج الفــلاش - Flash - برنامج الستراتور - Illustrator - برنامج انديزاين - InDesign - برنامج الدريم ويفر - Dreamweaver - رنامج سينما فور دي - cinema 4d - برنامج ثري دي ماكس - 3D Studio MAX - برنامج مـايــا - Maya - برنامج ريل فلو - RealFlow - برنامج زي برش - ZBrush - برنامج فيو - Vue - برنامج الأفترافكتس - After Effects - برنامج أدوبي بريميير - Premiere - برنامج سوني فيجاس - sony vegas - برنامج كوريل فيديو ستوديو - COREL VideoStudio
الحمد لله الواحدِ الأحدِ الفردِ الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً أحد
صاحبِ المننِ السابغــة والآلاءِ الوازعة والرحمةِ الواسعة والقدرةِ الجامعة
والنعمِ الجسيمة والعطايا الجزيلة الذي سما في العزِ ففاتَ نواظرَ الأبصــارِ
ودنا في اللطفِ فجازَ هواجزَ الأفكار الذي توحدَ بالملكِ فلا ندَ له في ملكوتِ
سلطانه وتفرّد بالآلاءِ والكبرياء فلا ضدَ له في جبروتِ شأنه الذي حارت في
كبرياءِ هيبتهِ دقائقُ لطائفِ الأنام الذي خضعتِ الرقابُ لعظمته ووجِلتِ القلوبُ
من خيفته وعنتِ الوجوهُ لهيبته وصلِّ اللهم على حبيبك وخيرتك من خلقك
سيدِ المرسلين محمد بن عبد الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم الدليلِ إليك في
الليلِ الأليل والماسكِ من أسبابك بحبلِ الشرف الأطول والناصعِ الحَسب في
ذَروةِ الكاهلِ الأعبل والثابت القَدَم على زحاليفها في الزمن الأول وعلى آله
كورسات شركة ليندا العالمية​
كورسات شركة فيديو تو براين العالمية​
كورسات شركة دجتال تورس العالمية​
لست الأفضل ولكن ليـ أسلوبي
سأظل دائماً أتقبل رأي الناقد والحاسد !!!
الأول : يصحح من مساري والثاني : يزيد من عزيمتي وإصراري
إخواني الكرام لا أدعي الكمال في الموضوع فالكمال الله وحدة ولكنة إجتهاد شخصي
فأنا بشر ولست معصوم من الخطأ أو الزلل فلا يسلم من الخطأ إلا كتاب الله عزوجل وهو القرآن الكريم
وماأحسن قول الحريري رحمة الله
وإن تجد عيباً فســُد الخللا فجــل من لا عيب فيـة وعــلا
فمن وجد خطأ أو زللاً فليفدني بة جزاة الله خير الجزاء
وأسأل الله أن ينفع بهذا الموضوع كل من قرأة و أطلع علية إن جواد رحيم وعلى الإجابة قدير
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Lynda.com – Photoshop CS6 New Features
الحجم - 1.69 GB​
In this course, Deke McClelland offers a sneak peak at the new features in the free public beta of Photoshop CS6. He reveals the secrets behind the new dark interface, searchable layers, the powerful Blur Gallery, Camera Raw 7, video editing, and the Adaptive Wide Angle filter, which removes distortion from extreme wide-angle photographs and panoramas. Deke also covers the new nondestructive Crop tool, dashed strokes, paragraph and character styles, editable 3D type, and the exciting Content-Aware Move tool, which moves selections and automatically heals the backgrounds.​
Topics include:​
- Enabling auto recovery and background saving​
- Filtering layers in the Layers panel​
- Modifying multiple layers at once​
- Applying layer effects to groups​
- Working with the Content-Aware tools​
- Redeveloping photos in Camera Raw 7​
- Creating depth of field with the Blur Gallery​
- Correcting wide-angle panoramas​
- Filling and stroking shape layers​
- Editing videos in the Timeline panel​
- Previewing 3D shadows and reflection​
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس الاساسيات - Lynda com Photoshop CS6 Essential Training
الحجم - 3.05 GB​
In Photoshop CS6 Essential Training, Julieanne Kost demonstrates how to produce high-quality images in a short amount of time, using a combination of Adobe Photoshop CS6, Bridge, and Camera Raw.​
The course details the Photoshop features and creative options, and shows efficient ways to perform common editing tasks, including noise reduction, shadow and highlight detail recovery, retouching, and combining multiple images. Along the way, the course explores techniques for nondestructive editing and compositing using layers, blending modes, layer masks, and much more.​
Topics include:
Organizing images in Bridge​
Adding metadata such as copyrights and keywords​
Editing in Camera Raw versus in Photoshop​
Retouching in Camera Raw​
Batch processing files​
Customizing the Photoshop workspaces​
Choosing a file format and resolution​
Cropping, scaling, and rotating images​
Working with layers, including merging and flattening layers​
Creating selections and layer masks​
Toning and changing the color of images​
Adjusting shadows and highlights​
Retouching and cloning​
Creating panoramas from multiple images​
Adding filters and sharpening​
Working with blend modes​
Adding type​
Working with video in Photoshop CS6​
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التفاعلات: ma95
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Fundamentals​
المعلم - Deke McClelland​
مدة الكورس - 06h 39m​
الحجم - 2.70 GB​
Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Fundamentals is a concise and focused introduction to the key features in Photoshop, presented by long-time lynda.com author and Adobe veteran Deke McClelland. This course covers the image editing process from the very beginning and progresses through the concepts and techniques that every photographer or graphic designer should know. Deke explains digital imaging fundamentals, such as resolution vs. size and the effects of downsampling. He explains how to use layers to edit an image nondestructively and organize those edits in an easy-to-read way, and introduces techniques such as cropping, adjusting brightness and contrast, correcting and changing color, and retouching and healing images. These lessons distill the vast assortment of tools and options to a refined set of skills that will get you working inside Photoshop with confidence.​
Topics include:
Opening an image from Photoshop, Bridge, or Camera Raw​
Navigating, zooming, panning, and rotating the canvas​
Adding, deleting, and merging layers​
Saving your progress and understanding file formats​
Cropping and straightening​
Adjusting brightness and contrast​
Identifying and correcting a color cast​
Making and editing selections​
Enhancing portraits by retouching skin, teeth, and eyes​
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التفاعلات: ma95
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Advanced Blending
المعلم - Deke McClelland​
مدة الكورس - 4h 03m​
الحجم - 1.12 GB​
Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Advanced Blending is the second installment in Deke McClelland’s series on making photorealistic compositions in Photoshop. The course explores blending options and shows how to use them to create sophisticated effects and seamless compositions, often without masking. Beginning with the basics of blending layered images, the course sheds light on the formulas behind the Photoshop blend modes and shows how to comp scanned line art, create double-exposure effects, correct skin tones, and work with the luminance sliders. Exercise files accompany the course.​
Topics include:
* Assembling dynamic Dissolve effects​
* Filling and stroking with Behind and Clear​
* Cleaning up and compositing scanned line art​
* Understanding the darken, lighten, and contrast modes​
* Refining a mask with Multiply and Screen​
* Creating a glowing, soft-focus effect​
* Blending images with textures​
* Comparing two seemingly identical images​
* Creating type that inverts everything behind it​
* Colorizing artwork with layers​
* Achieving greater control with the Blend If option​
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التفاعلات: ma95
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Hair
المعلم - Deke McClelland​
مدة الكورس - 3h 06m​
الحجم - 886.44 MB​
In this installment of his popular Masking & Compositing series, Photoshop guru Deke McClelland shows how to select hair—down to the individual strands—and composite portraits against new backgrounds. The course covers how to mask out hair, paint in detail, blend hair, merge channels, and match light sources. Deke also explores special techniques for working with both dark and light hair, as well as extracting hair from complex backgrounds. Exercise files accompany the course.​
Topics include:
* Understanding the Calculations command​
* Calculating masks with the Subtract and Add modes​
* Enhancing a mask with Apply Image​
* Creating a traditional blue screen mask​
* Masking dark hair against a busy background​
* Painting in missing hairs with a Wacom tablet​
* Masking blonde hair and flames​
* Performing selective edits with Dodge and Burn​
* Masking a difficult image in multiple passes​
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Intermediate​
المعلم - Deke McClelland​
مدة الكورس - 9h 25m​
الحجم - 2.40 GB​
In this course, industry pro Deke McClelland teaches you how to build on your basic knowledge and achieve next-level effects in the premiere image-editing program from Adobe, Photoshop CS6. Discover how to seamlessly move and patch areas of a photo with the Content-Aware toolset; stretch the brightness of a scene with automatic and custom Levels adjustments; create intricate designs with text and shapes; and morph an image with layer effects and transformations. Deke also shares his techniques for sharpening details, whether addressing noise and highlight/shadow clipping or camera shake, and converting a full-color image to black-and-white. The final chapters show you how to best print and save images for the web, making sure all your hard work pays off in the final output.​
Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Zombie Concept Illustration in Photoshop
برنامج الفوتوشوب - Photoshop
كورس - Creative Development: Zombie Concept Illustration in Photoshop
المعلم - Stanley VonMedvey​
مدة الكورس - 2h 15m​
الحجم - 712.83 MB​
In this tutorial we will be developing a zombie illustration from start to finish. We will go over the cumulative process of developing a concept zombie illustration. We will explore some foundational ideas such as sculpting with value, and more specific Photoshop techniques like using photos as textures. We will learn how to turn around a strong image in a short amount of time, a useful skill in a commercial environment.​

Digital-Tutors – Creating Concept Vehicles in 3ds Max
برنامج - 3ds Max 2013

Run Time: 4h 40m​
Release Date: October 1, 2012​
Author: Joshua Kinney​
Required Software: 3ds Max 2013​
Available on Mobile Devices​
In this series of tutorials we’ll learn how to create a concept vehicle from beginning to end. We’ll start out by learning how to develop silhouettes for a vehicle and then we’ll develop that idea by creating a simple sketch. Once we have a solid direction, we’ll jump into 3ds Max and begin creating a 3d thumbnail to help us better develop our concept. Once the 3d thumbnail is developed, we’ll start modeling out the individual panels of the vehicle. We’ll finish off the tutorial by creating our rendering environment and creating our materials.​
حجم الكورس: 1.51 GB​
video2brain – Premiere Pro CS6 FX Workshop
برنامج - Premiere Pro CS6
3h 26m | 1.25 GB | Project files 511 MB | Required Software: Premiere Pro CS6​
Advanced Effects Made Simple​
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 is primarily a cutter – that it, most of the time, it is used to combine video and audio clips, music, graphics, titles, and still images to produce finished sequences. However, it is also a powerful compositing and special effects application. In this course M​
axim Jago introduces some of the deeper finishing techniques and technologies available in Premiere Pro CS6. You’ll learn how to apply color correction, work with slow motion, stabilize shaky footage, apply blurs, and develop core skills for special effects work. You’ll also learn about integration with Adobe After Effects, both as a simple workflow, and in combination with effects applied in Premiere Pro CS6.​
حجم الكورس: 1.37 GB​
Digital-Tutors – 12 Principles of Animation in After Effects
برنامج - After Effects
Beginner | 1h 33m | 655 MB | Project Files 7 MB | Required Software: After Effects CS5.5​
In the days of hand-drawn animation, a group of top Disney animators came together and defined twelve rules of animation that, when applied properly, would create amazing animation and an engaging experience for the audience. In 1981 Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston released a book titled ‘The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation’, which detailed all 12 principles. Since then, animators around the world have studied and applied these techniques. Although they were originally created for hand-drawn animation, these 12 principles apply directly to our modern computer generated animation. Whenever you set a keyframe in any application, you should be thinking of the 12 principles of animation.​
حجم الكورس: 1.06 GB​
Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Hair Dynamics in CINEMA 4D
برنامج CINEMA 4D , Photoshop
Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Hair Dynamics in CINEMA 4D
Run Time: 1h 21m​
Release Date: October 1, 2012​
Author: Derya Öztürk​
Required Software: CINEMA 4D R13, Photoshop CS3​
Available on Mobile Devices​
In this CINEMA 4D tutorial we will learn about how we can use Hair Dynamics in conjunction with Xpresso for organic and artificial objects other than hair. Throughout these lessons we will look at the steps for how we can utilize hair in circumstances where we want to build scenes which consist of organic and artificial objects. We will make use of Hair Dynamics, Xpresso and MoGraph Dynamics. We will start off with simple exercises to get used to how the Hair Object works, use Xpresso to control Hair Guides and finally combine MoGraph and Hair Dynamics for our final scene​
حجم الكورس: 601.79 MB​
Digital Tutors – Animating a Grappling Hook in Maya
برنامج - Autodesk Maya 2013
254 MB | FLV | 1280×720 | Project Files Included​

In this series of Maya tutorials we will learn techniques for animating a grappling hook in Maya! Our goal is to create an efficient rig with a sufficient amount of control. We’ll learn how to, then, animate this prop, and its rope to behave naturally. We’ll also learn how to work with a set of rigging and animation tools in Maya that will help us produce a very entertaining outcome. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills needed to animate your very own grappling hook.​
Run Time: 1h 1m​
Release Date: October 1, 2012​
Author: Delano Athias​
Required Software: Autodesk Maya 2013​
حجم الكورس: 412.19 MB​

video2brain – Learning AutoCAD 2013
برنامج - AutoCAD 2013
7h 30m | 1.46 GB | Project files aren’t included | Required Software: AutoCAD 2013

Master the Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design
If you’re looking to quickly become proficient in computer-aided design, this course from AutoCAD expert and author Scott Onstott is for you. No experience is necessary to go from absolute beginner to confidently creating accurate 2D drawings and 3D models. After getting comfortable with the AutoCAD interface you will learn fundamental skills and apply them to real-world practice projects. Then, if you like, you can move on to more advanced topics like dimensioning, working with data and attributes, and using constraints. This course is produced in association with our partners at Sybex, a Wiley imprint.​
حجم الكورس: 1.82 GB​
ماشاء الله
أبدعت .. أبدعت ..أبدعت .. بل أبدعت بعد المائه مليونا
حقيقه بوست ( دسم وراااااائع ) بكل ماتحمل الكلمتان من معنى
لله درك استاذ على النغموش
لاعدمناك ياغالي
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التفاعلات: ma95
ماشاء الله
أبدعت .. أبدعت ..أبدعت .. بل أبدعت بعد المائه مليونا
حقيقه بوست ( دسم وراااااائع ) بكل ماتحمل الكلمتان من معنى
لله درك استاذ على النغموش
لاعدمناك ياغالي
:)يسلموا يالغلا.. احرجتني يالغالي​
Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Modeling Exterior Scenes in Maya
البرامج : Maya , Photoshop
Advanced | 5h 32m | 3.37 GB | Project Files 76 MB | Required Software: Maya , Photoshop

In this workshop we will learn how to model a variety of non-organic objects to create a whole scene. This workshop will focus on an efficient non-organic modeling workflow, utilizing Maya’s powerful modeling toolset to create a whole scene from start to finish. It will establish a firm grounding for beginners new to non-organic modeling and modeling in Maya, as well as demonstrating techniques and workflows to more experienced users. While the focus will be on modeling, the workshop will also briefly cover camera, lighting and shader setups as well as looking at the final composite in Photoshop.


حجم الكورس: 3.85 G
Digital-Tutors – Creating Photo Manipulations for Advertising with Photoshop
البرامج : Photoshop
Intermediate | 3h 07m | 2.18 GB | Project Files 359 MB | Required Software: Photoshop CS6
In this Photoshop tutorial we will learn how to go about creating a custom photo manipulation in Photoshop for an advertising campaign. After talking about our concept and gathering some images to use, we will dive right in and begin preparing a base image for our ad. Here we’ll learn about masking techniques as well as some of the powerful healing tools that Photshop has. From here we will begin the process of recreating the legs of our model in water form. Over several lessons we will learn the process of creating very specific displacement maps for our image. We will finish our image off by adding water and wetness to other areas of our base image including the model’s shoes and pavement. Upon completion of this tutorial, you will have learned several advanced techniques for compositing together a photo manipulation with advertising in mind.
حجم الكورس: 2.59 GB​
بارك الله فيك يا غالي و جزاك عنّا و عن جميع
ألف ألف خير موضوع ما شاء الله ...
و إبداع رائع ، و مجهود منقطع النظير ...
الله يحفظك و يحميك .
كورس الاساسيات - Lynda com Photoshop CS6 Essential Training
في المشاركة الثالثة ، رابطه غير مفعل
هل يمكن تفعيله و جزاك الله ألف ألف خير.
بارك الله فيك يا غالي و جزاك عنّا و عن جميع
ألف ألف خير موضوع ما شاء الله ...
و إبداع رائع ، و مجهود منقطع النظير ...
الله يحفظك و يحميك .
كورس الاساسيات - Lynda com Photoshop CS6 Essential Training
في المشاركة الثالثة ، رابطه غير مفعل
هل يمكن تفعيله و جزاك الله ألف ألف خير.

مشكور حبيبي ويعطيك الف عافيه على المرور..
وان شاء الله اعبجك الموضوع..
تم تفعيل الرابط اخي الكريم..