بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مرة أخرى محاولة للتغلب على الرابيدشير بهذا البرنامج الجديد :
RapidShare Time_Resetter
بس علشان يشتغل لابد يكون ال IP عندك غير ثابت وإلا فلن يعمل كما كتب عنه ولكم التجربة ؟
وهذا ما كتب عنه :
Now you can download more than you can without Rapidshare Premium Account! This really DOES WORK! All you need is dynamic IP address! I have tested this myself and it works!!
Note: Please don’t tell me this doesn’t work if you have a static IP, for those that does have dynamic IP address, enjoy! Just use the program when you’re done downloading with the first download!
NOTE2: Because of router issues and more, I will say this:
If your running behind a router, or on CABLE, likely your chance of getting this program will not work!! If your wondering, yes it is still possible to have this working behind a router like me!
حمل البرنامج مباشرة من المرفقات
تحياتي ...........
مرة أخرى محاولة للتغلب على الرابيدشير بهذا البرنامج الجديد :
RapidShare Time_Resetter
بس علشان يشتغل لابد يكون ال IP عندك غير ثابت وإلا فلن يعمل كما كتب عنه ولكم التجربة ؟
وهذا ما كتب عنه :
Now you can download more than you can without Rapidshare Premium Account! This really DOES WORK! All you need is dynamic IP address! I have tested this myself and it works!!
Note: Please don’t tell me this doesn’t work if you have a static IP, for those that does have dynamic IP address, enjoy! Just use the program when you’re done downloading with the first download!
NOTE2: Because of router issues and more, I will say this:
If your running behind a router, or on CABLE, likely your chance of getting this program will not work!! If your wondering, yes it is still possible to have this working behind a router like me!
حمل البرنامج مباشرة من المرفقات
تحياتي ...........