مشكلة في فتح الايميل

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
عندي مشكلة في فتح الايميل
ادخلت الاسم و كلمت المرور و دخلت الحساب و ظهر اسمي
لكن المشكلة إن الحساب مقفل و ظهر لي
Your account has been blocked
Why are you seeing this?
Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages (or something else that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service).
We're here to help you get your account back.
What do you need to do?
We'll walk you through a few steps to verify that you own the account, then have you change your password in case someone else has been accessing your account. It should only take a few minutes and then you'll be unblocked and on your way.
We've cleaned your account settings
Often customers get here because someone else has access to your account and are using it without your knowledge to send spam. To protect you and your contacts, we've removed any Hotmail auto-replies or linked accounts you may have had.
ضغطت على زر continue و ظهر لي

How do you want to receive your code?
و قائمة اختار منها خيار واحد اللي هو :
Send an email to ha*****@hotmail.com
عجلوا علي تكفون
و مشكورين مقدما
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.