FastSatfinder v2.2.0
للذين لديهم كرت للدش و يرغبون في البحث عن الأقمار وحقيقة لا أعرف الكثير عن هذا الموضوع و لكن قد يجد هذا البرنامج أحد المهتمين بهذا النوع من البرامج .

FastSatfinder is a hi-tech tool
that will help you to setup a
satellite system and easily find
the signal from a satellite. The
program has many features,
such as: reports the quality and
the level of the signal, supports
many dvbs cards or USB tuners,
full screen mode, ability to see
the level of signal on your Remote
Computer or Mobile Phone,
predefined transponders data
and much more. FastSatfinder
is the result of years of
development. We have created
many unique technologies that can be only be found in FastSatfinder. And we're not going to stop here. We constantly aim to reach the highest possible functionality and usability for our FastSatfinder users.
that will help you to setup a
satellite system and easily find
the signal from a satellite. The
program has many features,
such as: reports the quality and
the level of the signal, supports
many dvbs cards or USB tuners,
full screen mode, ability to see
the level of signal on your Remote
Computer or Mobile Phone,
predefined transponders data
and much more. FastSatfinder
is the result of years of
development. We have created
many unique technologies that can be only be found in FastSatfinder. And we're not going to stop here. We constantly aim to reach the highest possible functionality and usability for our FastSatfinder users.
Size: 4.16 MB
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