Error Doctor 2007 لتصحيح أخطاء الويندوز


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برنامج ممتاز لتصحيح أخطاء الويندوز
Error Doctor 2007

Instantly Repair PC Errors! ERROR DOCTOR 2007 will fix hidden bugs and errors on your PC and increase the overall performance speed of your computer by as much as 300%. ERROR DOCTOR is the most advanced Error Remover software on the market today. ERROR DOCTOR will scan your Windows registry and give you a detailed list of errors broken down by type Absolutely free. ERROR DOCTOR will fix hidden bugs and errors on your PC and increase the overall performance speed of your computer by as much as 300%. Statistics show that 93.7% of personal computers have corrupt and potentially dangerous files with 150 or more errors on them. Let the award winning ERROR DOCTOR software repair those errors for you today so you can enjoy a faster and more efficient PC. AUTO SCAN By default, ERROR DOCTOR scans the registry for all types of errors. This is the simplest way to clean up the registry. Automatic Scan is recommended for 'non-technical' users. MANUAL CLEANUP After the scan is complete, ERROR DOCTOR will show you a full list of errors with details, and let you fix individual invalid entries or all invalid entries of a certain type. BACKUP AND UNDO Before scanning your registry for errors, ERROR DOCTOR gives you the option to create a backup file(s) that can be used to undo the changes. SCHEDULER You can schedule ERROR DOCTOR to scan the registry for errors every 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes or whenever you prefer. You even have the option to have your PC automatically scan for errors when your computer starts. Don't pay a technician loads of money for an issue that you can easily repair yourself! For the fraction of the cost of getting a new computer or having your old one repaired, Error Doctor can clean up your PC so it's running like new again. Let the award winning ERROR DOCTOR software repair those errors for you today so you can enjoy a faster and more efficient.​
Sizee: 2.25 MB
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  • errordoctor.txt
    68 بايت · المشاهدات: 455
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الموضوع: Error Doctor 2007 لتصحيح أخطاء الويندوز

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