VariCAD 2005 v9.0 برنامج للتصاميم الهندسية والميكانيكية


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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VariCAD 2005 v9.0 برنامج للتصاميم الهندسية والميكانيكية

الحجم: 10 M
$ 399



VariCAD is 3D/2D CAD system primarily intended for mechanical engineering design. In addition to powerful tools for 3D modeling and 2D drafting and dimensioning* VariCAD provides libraries of standard mechanical parts (ANSI* DIN)* calculations of standard mechanical components* and tools for working with bills of materials (BOM) and title blocks. The comprehensive package enables designers to quickly create* evaluate* and modify their models. VariCAD’s high performance* powerful features* and simple and quick user interface make VariCAD the best value in the CAD market. The system is sold as one "fully loaded" package* with all features and functions* for one very affordable price. VariCAD delivers an excellent performance-to-price ratio* making it one of the smartest choices on the market today.


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  • بيانات التسجيل111.txt
    158 بايت · المشاهدات: 72
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شكرا على البرنامج فعلا ممتاز
Thank you my friend for this software
I was looking for it for a long time
Salam Alikoum
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