Recuva 1.42.544
تعريف البرنامج
هو برنامج لاستعادة الملفات التي تم حذفها بطريق الخطأ من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. وهذا يشمل ملفات أفرغت من سلة المهملات، وكذلك الصور والملفات الأخرى التي تم حذفها من قبل المستخدم خطأ من بطاقات الذاكرة الرقمية الكاميرا أو مشغلات mb3 سيجلب مرة أخرى حتى الملفات التي تم حذفها من أي بود الخاص بك، أو تعطل
Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted from your iPod, or by bugs, crashes and viruses!
Recuva (pronounced "recover") is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted from your iPod, or by bugs, crashes and viruses!