The Legend222
New Member
TeraCopy 2.22
برنآمج TeraCopy برنآمج يقوم بتسريع عملية نسخ ونقل الملفآت بشكل مطور وفريد ..
.اهم ميزة في البرنامج.
.اهم ميزة في البرنامج.
يندمج البرنآمج مع الوندوز بشكل افترآضي ..يعني بمجرد استخدام عملية النسخ او النقل البرنآمج يقوم بعمله دون تدخل منك.
كمآ ان البرنامج يدعم عدة لغآت منها العربية..
وصف بالانجليزية
TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features. TeraCopy is a free utility designed to copy/move files faster and more secure. Can resume broken file transfers. TeraCopy skips bad files during copy and even shows the skipped files at the end of files transfer. TeraCopy will calculate files CRC checksum on the fly to speed up source and target files comparsion. Seamless integration with Windows Explorer allows you to keep working with files as usual. Copy or move files using left mouse button drag or 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands.
التغيرات التي حصلت في هذه النسخة من البرنامج
وصف بالانجليزية
TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features. TeraCopy is a free utility designed to copy/move files faster and more secure. Can resume broken file transfers. TeraCopy skips bad files during copy and even shows the skipped files at the end of files transfer. TeraCopy will calculate files CRC checksum on the fly to speed up source and target files comparsion. Seamless integration with Windows Explorer allows you to keep working with files as usual. Copy or move files using left mouse button drag or 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands.
التغيرات التي حصلت في هذه النسخة من البرنامج
- Added: Export filelist to HTML (sortable columns) and CSV files [Pro].
- Changed: Graphical buttons instead of pseudo-graphical.
- Changed: If Shutdown option is selected, batch file PowerOff.cmd will be launched.
- Fixed: Transfer.log now written in Unicode.
- Fixed: Renaming multiple files with same name.
- Fixed: Waiting for other processes to finish testing after copying.
موقع البرنامج
حجم البرنامج
Size:3 MB
ترخيص البرنامج
السيريالات مرفقة مع البرنامج