Winamp Pro 5.622 Build 3188 Final
برنامج Winamp الشهير مشغل الملتيميديا الأشهر تخصصه الصوتيات طبعا
ويميزه أنه شامل لصيغ عديده وخفته وأيضا كثرة الخيارات والأعدادت فيه
وميزة تغيير شكله حسب ذوقك وأيضا تركيب الملحقات فيه كما يمكنك أستماع
الراديو وقنوات البث المباشر عبر النت بالأضافه الى تشغيل الفيديو وهذه
قائمه بالصيغ والأمتدادات التى يمكنه تشغيلها AAC , it , mod , nst ,
stm , AIF , itz , MP1 , NSV , stz , AIFF , KAR , MP2 , OGG , ult , amf
, M2V , MP3 , okt , VLB , APL , m3u , mp3 , pls , VOC , ASF , M4A ,
MP4 , ptm , WAV , AU , mdz , MPEG , RMI , WMA , AVI , MID , MPG , s3m
, WMV , CDA , MIDI , mtm , s3z , xm , far , MIZ , NSA , SND , xmz ,
Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.
• The Full version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more; Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins; Full Support for classic and modern skins; Plays Videos; has a Powerful Media Library; Browse Internet Radio & TV Stations; Integrated Internet Music Videos & Songs; Bundled Visualizations; and Burn & Rip CDs.
• The LITE version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more. It is compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins and has full support for classic skins.
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