"من الفرن" المتصفح الشهير Opera 9.12 build 8701


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من أفضل وأكثر المتصفحات شهرة على الإطلاق وله الكثير من الميزات
المبهرة والكثير من الأدوات التي تشجع متصفحي الإنترنت على
إستخدامه وتجربته ويجدر الذكر انه ذات شعبيه كبيرة لدى
فئه كبيرة من المستخدمين ومدمني الإنترنت.

Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. This new version has a chance to actually beat IE hands-down because it has a truckload of new and exciting features. It complies to all the current web-page standards, it has a completely new interface (you can choose from single window and multi-window view), built-in search, a download manager, an advanced mail/news reader, print preview, a huge bookmark collection and much more in a 2Mb free package! Well, the free package also includes banner ads, but Opera is believed to be completely free of spyware, unlike some of its competitors. It’s lightning fast as well as stable and it looks gorgeous. It’s simply perfect! For a complete list of features check out the official website, there’s vastly more to discover.

البرنامج : Opera
الإصـدار :9.12build 8701
الحجــــم : 3.98 MB

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التفاعلات: Samo
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