Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy

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الAtlas غني عن التعريف وحاجة روعة .......... وعشان اللي مش عارفه هو ببساطة عبارة عن فيديو لجميع أجزاء الجسم بصورة نقية جدا والكاميرا بتلف في كل الاتجاهات مع العينة ......... والعينات نضيفة جدا حتي ان المؤلف واخد
the best, cleanest presentations in gross anatomy
والمؤلف هو Dr. Robert Acland
والروابط كلها علي ال MIDH
Book description
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Video edition (January 1, 1997)
****************************************: English
ISBN: 0683181815

Acland's Atlas of Human

Dr. Robert Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy shows you true images of real, exquisitely dissected human anatomical specimens, in three dimensions. As the camera moves from one viewpoint to another, the specimen appears to rotate in space, letting you experience it as a three dimensional object.

Acland's DVD Atlas uses fresh, unembalmed specimens that retain the color, texture, mobility--and beauty--of the living human body. A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the program. As each new structure is shown, its name appears on the screen. There is a self-testing feature at the end of each section

Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy: The Upper Extremity: Tape 1

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