السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
اريد مساعدة بخصوص مدخل الطابعة (Lpt) باستخدام MATLAB
I wanna interface MATLAB via Lpt port
I don't know how to use the data lines (Port0) of Lpt as Bidirectional, I mean as input and output. I know there is a bit in the control register must be activated to do that, but I don't know the command that achives that.
أتمنى ممن لديه فكرة المساعدة و بارك الله فيكم
my e-mail: nesleman4048@yahoo.com
اريد مساعدة بخصوص مدخل الطابعة (Lpt) باستخدام MATLAB
I wanna interface MATLAB via Lpt port
I don't know how to use the data lines (Port0) of Lpt as Bidirectional, I mean as input and output. I know there is a bit in the control register must be activated to do that, but I don't know the command that achives that.
أتمنى ممن لديه فكرة المساعدة و بارك الله فيكم
my e-mail: nesleman4048@yahoo.com