Clinical Medicine Consult 2007

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A complete medical textbook in the palm of your hand that is rapidly accessible and packed with clinically relevant, evidence based information.
- Fully indexed with over 2,500 clinical topics for rapid reference.
- Contains detailed drug prescribing pearls and over 12,400 medical terms and conditions.
- The text has multiple cross references and hyperlinks for fast navigation.
- Includes all the current Clinical Medical Series titles!
- Contains numerous illustrations.
- No other text on the market provides such a collection of succinct and clinically relevant material that can be accessed at the bedside.
- Free quarterly updates (iSilo version only).

-Over 230 Step-by-Step Procedures Included:
Allergy Skin Testing, Central lines, Pericardiocentesis, Treadmill Stress Test, Cardioversion, Biological & Chemical Weapons, Nail Wedge Resection, Subungual Splinter, Canalith Repositioning, Paracentesis, Inguinal Hernia Reduction, Evacuation of Thrombosed Hemorrhoid, Flex Sig, Peripheral Smears, BM biopsy, Intubation, Vascular Access, PPD, Arterial Blood Gas, Carpal Tunnel Injection: Peritonsillar Abscess, Schiotz Tonometry, Slit Lamp, Refraction, Maddox Rod Test, Lensometer, Chalazion, Enteral Feeding, NGT, Ganglion Cyst, De Quervain's Wrist Injection, Joint Aspiration & Injection, Compartment Pressure Measuring, Extensor Tendon Repair, Subacromial Injection, Olecranon Bursa Aspiration, Elbow Dislocation, Nursemaids Elbow, Costochondritis, Knee Aspiration: Dislocated Knee: Shoulder Reduction Techniques: Intercostal Anesthesia: Chest Tube: Peak Flow, Thoracentesis, Lumbar Puncture, Mental Status Exam, Peritoneal Lavage, Epistaxis, Oropharyngeal Fb, Esophageal Fb, Swallowed Fb, Rectal & Vaginal Fb, Fish Hooks, Ring Removal, Ear Fb, Nasal Fb, Sexual Assault Eval, Heat Stroke, Toxic Exposure, Acute Urinary Retention, Priapism: Urinalysis & Sediment, Grams Stain: Blood Cx, Acid Fast Stain: Wright Stain: Tzanck Prep: Infertility Eval, FNA Breast, FNA Thyroid: Dislocation: Plantar Fasciitis, Penile Nerve Block, Paraphimosis Reduction, Terminal Pt & Withdrawing Care, Trigger Point Injections, Dislocated Mandible, Lip Laceration: Instruments and Sutures: Basic Wound Care: Diagnostic Dermatology: Cryosurgery, Thrombolytics in AMI, ECG Interpretation, Pulse Pressure, Valsalva, HJR, JVD, Varicose Vein Inj, Liver Bx, Kidney Bx, Dialysis, Endometrial Bx...many more​

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