Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4.0.0 Final
برنامج Ashampoo Photo Optimizer تصحيح و تحسين الصور - لأنه أحيانا لا تكون الصور كما تريدها بالضبط . فمرة قد تكون الصورة مظلمة و مرة قد تكون ضعيفة التباين أو باهتة الألوان و أحيانا يغلب عليها الطابع الرمادي . و لتصحيح ذلك تحتاج إلى طريق طويل في دراسة علم التصوير ... لذا فإن هذا البرنامج يختصر لك كل ذلك في نقرة زر ... فهو سهل جدا جدا حتى للمبتدئين ..
All the photo editing you really need. Instantly. Many people buy big expensive camcorders but still shoot all their videos with their phone or point-and-shoot camera. Photo editing software is similar – you may have a powerful graphics editor but most of the time you'll find yourself using just a couple of functions. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer enables you to touch up your digital photos fast. Everything is so simple you never need to read a manual – after you point and shoot just click and go. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer doesn't try to replace major graphics programs. It just gives you everything you need when you want results fast
All the photo editing you really need. Instantly. Many people buy big expensive camcorders but still shoot all their videos with their phone or point-and-shoot camera. Photo editing software is similar – you may have a powerful graphics editor but most of the time you'll find yourself using just a couple of functions. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer enables you to touch up your digital photos fast. Everything is so simple you never need to read a manual – after you point and shoot just click and go. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer doesn't try to replace major graphics programs. It just gives you everything you need when you want results fast
SIZE : 36 MB
السيريال مرفق مع البرنامج
تاريخ اصدار البرنامج
27 Apr 2011