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Avira AntiVir Premium Final
برنامج الحماية الشامة في أصطياد الفيروسات و الحماية من الديدان والهكر و يحتوي
البرنامج على محرك مسح شامل وكامل و يبحث في كل ركن من اركان الحاسب عن
أي فيروس متواجد ويقوم بتنظيفه برنامج يفضله الكثير من المستخدمين لأنه فعال لأنه
أثبت جدارتة فتمتع بحماية قصوي و شاملة و متكاملة مع هذا البرنامج الرائع
Avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware, bots and dangerous “drive-by” downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day. Advanced protection: Includes basic antivirus protection PLUS: email protection (POP3), AntiPhishing, AntiSpyware, AntiAdware and more. With real-time on-access scanning, profile-based on-demand scans and scheduling of full system scanning and updates it offers premium protection. It includes a POP3 based MailScanner that scans emails before they are stored on your machine. With a user-friendly control center, quarantine management, fast performance and world leading detection rates the Avira AntiVir Premium provides essential protection for your PC.
AntiVir Personal offers effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It detects and removes viruses and includes an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating.
The built in resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, for example when downloading files from the Internet. Heuristic scanning protects Protection against previously unknown macro viruses. Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.
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