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Primary Preventive Dentistry
Sixth Edition

Book Properties
ISBN: 0130918911
Title: Primary Preventive Dentistry, Sixth Edition
Author: Norman O. Harris Franklin Garcia-Godoy
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication Date: 2003-08-11
Number Of Pages: 720
Average Amazon Rating: 4.0
Sixth Edition

Book Properties
ISBN: 0130918911
Title: Primary Preventive Dentistry, Sixth Edition
Author: Norman O. Harris Franklin Garcia-Godoy
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication Date: 2003-08-11
Number Of Pages: 720
Average Amazon Rating: 4.0
Editorial Description
The sixth edition of this popular book reflects an increasing emphasis on nutrition, school-based dental health clinics (SBHC), and health promotion. It focuses primarily on the clinical application of primary preventive dentistry procedures to control plaque diseases. The user-friendly format features an extensive list of updated references for each chapter. Topics covered in this comprehensive study of preventive dentistry are: dental plaque and other tooth-adherent organic materials
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