Earth Resource Mapper 7.0


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Earth Resource Mapper 7.0

Earth Resource Mapper 7.0
OS: Windows | ~233MB

ER Mapper is an image processing package for earth science and remote sensing applications. It is designed to manipulate large Earth resources data sets, such as satellite, geophysical, seismic and airborne data.
Users can perform complex data integrations and image processing operations on multiple layers and treat them as a real data set. A library of 225 standard algorithms is provided for image enhancement, classification and data fusion. Users can modify and customize these, as well as create new algorithms. ER Mapper can automatically merge, clip, sub-sample, super-sample, rescale and mosaic multiple data sets. Image warping (image to control point, image to image, map to map) and rotation are supported.

Includes a version of ER Mapper's web client/server architecture that delivers raster images over intranets and the Internet
الروابط في المرفقات
اختبر الروابط قبل التحميل


  • Earth Resource Mapper 7.0.txt
    269 بايت · المشاهدات: 123
مشكوووووووور أخي الكريم على هذا البرنامج والذي أنا في حاجة ماسة له
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته...
Earth Resource Mapper 7.0

Earth Resource Mapper 7.0
OS: Windows | ~233MB

ER Mapper is an image processing package for earth science and remote sensing applications. It is designed to manipulate large Earth resources data sets, such as satellite, geophysical, seismic and airborne data.
Users can perform complex data integrations and image processing operations on multiple layers and treat them as a real data set. A library of 225 standard algorithms is provided for image enhancement, classification and data fusion. Users can modify and customize these, as well as create new algorithms. ER Mapper can automatically merge, clip, sub-sample, super-sample, rescale and mosaic multiple data sets. Image warping (image to control point, image to image, map to map) and rotation are supported.

Includes a version of ER Mapper's web client/server architecture that delivers raster images over intranets and the Internet
الروابط في المرفقات
اختبر الروابط قبل التحميل
اتمنى اتمام تحميل هذا البرنامج و مشكووووور عزيزى على هذه الروعة ............

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