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Ashampoo HDD Control 2.03

برنامج مهم جدا يعطيك تفاصيل دقيقة و عامة عن قرصك الصلب و يعطيك تقرير عن
حالته و عن سلامته يقوم هذا البرنامج بإعطائك تقرير مفصل عن القرص الصلب
قبل أن تفقد بياناتك و قبل حدوث أي عطل مفاجئ حيث يوجد فيه وحدة لمراقبة
القرص الصلب شديدة الحساسية و أيضا يوجد فيه وظائف يمكنك من تنظيف
مخلفات الملفات و مخلفات الإنترنت و وحدة إلغاء التجزئة و وحدة المراقبة

Ashampoo HDD Control - software for monitoring the status of your hard drive. This involves the hard drive for you. To prevent potential failures and accidents before they happen. The software supports hard drives IDE and serial ATA. Ashampoo HDD Control provides the user with all the important facts and information about the drive, including registration number, the version of the BIOS (firmware), cache size, number of sections, which are divided into hard, disk space and current temperature.
Make sure you are prepared for such a situation. Ashampoo HDD Control 2 can notify you early so that your valuable data won’t become the victim of a hardware crash. Now Ashampoo HDD Control 2 offers even more functions to check the status of your hard drive(s). Use for example the S.M.A.R.T self-test or adjust the noise level and power management of your hard drive(s) (if supported). Furthermore you can restore accidentally deleted files and folders with Ashampoo HDD Control 2. Get to know the all-rounder for monitoring, maintenance and defragmentation, and check the health status and performance of your hard drive(s) today.
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