"Advanced Elastomers: Technology, Properties and Applications" ed. by Anna Boczkowska

"Advanced Elastomers: Technology, Properties and Applications" ed. by Anna Boczkowska
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 9535107392 9789535107392 | 412 pages | PDF | 55 MB
This book provides an extensive overview of current trends in the area of elastomers and their composites from the chapters contributed by internationally recognized specialists. The book deals with novel synthesis, modelling and experimental methods in elastomers. This book addresses to industrial and academic researchers in the fields of physical, chemical, biological sciences and engineering.
Contents include: new approach to crosslinking, liquid crystal elastomers, nanocomposites, smart elastomers, elastomers in microelectronics and microfluidics, elastomers in cement concrete and mortar, experimental testing and modelling.
Each section demonstrates how enhancements in materials, processes and characterization techniques can improve performance in the field of engineering. The book provides a unique opportunity to discover the latest research on elastomer advances from laboratories around the world.
Section 1 New Approach to Elastomer Cross I inking
1 Aspects Regarding Radiation Cross I inking of Elastomers
Section 2 Liquid Crystal Elastomers
2 Monitoring the Contractile Properties of Optically Patterned Liquid Crystal Based Elastomers
3 Polysiloxane Side-Chain Azobenzene-Containing Liquid Single Crystal Elastomers for Photo-Active Artificial Muscle-Like Actuators
Section 3 Elastomer Nanocomposites
4 Rubber Clay Nanocomposites
5 Pigment and Dye Modified Fillers as Elastomeric Additives
Section 4 Smart Elastomers
6 Microstructure and Properties of Magnetorheological Elastomers
7 Thermo-Shrinkable Elastomers
Section 5 Elastomers in Microelectronics and Microflu id ics
8 Elastomer Application in Microsystem and Microflu id ics
9 Elasto meric Electronics: A Microflu id ic Approach
10 Use of Silicone Elastomer-Based Microfluidic Devices and Systems in Reproductive Technologies
Section 6 Elastomers in Cement Concrete and Mortar
11 Technology, Properties and Application of NRL Elastomers
Section 7 Experimental Testing and Modelling of Elastomer Properties
12 Transmittance and Reflectance of an Imprinted Cholesteric Elastomer During a Segregation Process
13 Anelastic Behavior in Filled Elastomers Under Harmonic Loading Using Distributed Rate-Dependent Elasto-Slide Elements
14 Modelling Friction and Abrasive Wear of Elastomers
15 The Significance of Equi-Biaxial Bubble Inflation in Determining Elasto meric Fatigue Properties
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"Advanced Elastomers: Technology, Properties and Applications" ed. by Anna Boczkowska
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 9535107392 9789535107392 | 412 pages | PDF | 55 MB
This book provides an extensive overview of current trends in the area of elastomers and their composites from the chapters contributed by internationally recognized specialists. The book deals with novel synthesis, modelling and experimental methods in elastomers. This book addresses to industrial and academic researchers in the fields of physical, chemical, biological sciences and engineering.
Contents include: new approach to crosslinking, liquid crystal elastomers, nanocomposites, smart elastomers, elastomers in microelectronics and microfluidics, elastomers in cement concrete and mortar, experimental testing and modelling.
Each section demonstrates how enhancements in materials, processes and characterization techniques can improve performance in the field of engineering. The book provides a unique opportunity to discover the latest research on elastomer advances from laboratories around the world.
Section 1 New Approach to Elastomer Cross I inking
1 Aspects Regarding Radiation Cross I inking of Elastomers
Section 2 Liquid Crystal Elastomers
2 Monitoring the Contractile Properties of Optically Patterned Liquid Crystal Based Elastomers
3 Polysiloxane Side-Chain Azobenzene-Containing Liquid Single Crystal Elastomers for Photo-Active Artificial Muscle-Like Actuators
Section 3 Elastomer Nanocomposites
4 Rubber Clay Nanocomposites
5 Pigment and Dye Modified Fillers as Elastomeric Additives
Section 4 Smart Elastomers
6 Microstructure and Properties of Magnetorheological Elastomers
7 Thermo-Shrinkable Elastomers
Section 5 Elastomers in Microelectronics and Microflu id ics
8 Elastomer Application in Microsystem and Microflu id ics
9 Elasto meric Electronics: A Microflu id ic Approach
10 Use of Silicone Elastomer-Based Microfluidic Devices and Systems in Reproductive Technologies
Section 6 Elastomers in Cement Concrete and Mortar
11 Technology, Properties and Application of NRL Elastomers
Section 7 Experimental Testing and Modelling of Elastomer Properties
12 Transmittance and Reflectance of an Imprinted Cholesteric Elastomer During a Segregation Process
13 Anelastic Behavior in Filled Elastomers Under Harmonic Loading Using Distributed Rate-Dependent Elasto-Slide Elements
14 Modelling Friction and Abrasive Wear of Elastomers
15 The Significance of Equi-Biaxial Bubble Inflation in Determining Elasto meric Fatigue Properties
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