Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications

"Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications" ed. by Sudheer Neralla
InTeOp | 2012 | ISBN: 9535107149 9789535107149 | 208 pages | PDF | 11 MB
This book consists of a collection of research work on nanocrystals processing and characterization of their structural, optical, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties. Various methods for nanocrystals synthesis are discussed in the book. Size-dependent properties such as quantum confinement, superparamagnetism have been observed in semiconductor and magnetic nanoparticles.
Nanocrystals research has been an area of significant interest lately, due to the wide variety of potential applications in semiconductor, optical and biomedical fields. Nanocrystals incorporated into different material systems have proven to possess improved properties. A review of the exciting outcomes nanoparticles study has provided indicates further accomplishments in the near future.
1 Carrier Dynamics and Magneto-Optical Pproperties of Cd1-xMnxS Nanoparticles
2 Characterization of Nanocrystals Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
3 Localized Nano-Environment for Integration and Optimum Functionalization of Chlorophyll-a Molecules
4 Optical, Magnetic, and Structural Properties of Semiconductor and Semimagnetic Nanocrystals
5 Optical Nanocomposites Based on High Nanoparticles Concentration and Its Holographic Application
6 Nanocomposites by Novel Fabrication Strategies
7 Semiconductor Nanocrystals
8 Surface Modification of CdSe and CdS Quantum Dots-Experimental and Density Function Theory Investigation
9 The Synthesis of Nano-Crystalline Metal Oxides by Solution Method