برامج برنامج AntiVirus Mobile 1.0 لمكافحة فيروسات الهاتف


مشرف عام
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


برنامج رائع للتصدي للفيروسات التي تطلق لأجهزة الهاتف ويمكن عمل Scan
على ذاكرة الهاتف وبطاقة الذاكرة كل مدة معينة للتأكد من خلو الجهاز
من أية فيروسات قد تضر بالهاتف.

ويعمل البرنامج على الأجهزة التالية :

Nokia N-Gage QD, N-Gage, Nokia 3660, 3620, 6600, 7650, 6670, 3230, 6260, 6620, 6630, 6680, 6681, 6682
Panasonic X700
Siemens SX 1
Sendo X and X2

AntiVirus Mobile provides protection against Symbian specific malware for smartphones that run on the operating system Symbian.
The following smartphones are supported:
Nokia N-Gage QD, N-Gage, Nokia 3660, 3620, 6600, 7650, 6670, 3230, 6260, 6620, 6630, 6680, 6681, 6682
Panasonic X700
Siemens SX 1
Sendo X and X2
AntiVir Mobile is delivered with the following outstanding features:
Specially developed Symbian-search engine and Symbianvirus-definitions that are able to detect and treat Symbian-specific malware, i.e. malware that runs on smartphones on Symbian 6.1 to 8.0, Series 60.
Installation of the program package using Bluetooth, IrDA or GPRS downloads. Separate update for the search engine and the virus definition over the Internet and by simply replacing the appropriate files.
Individual configuration of the search scope and the handling of infected files.
Detailed messaging whenever a malware is detected with the possibility to deal with the infection instantly.
Reporting providing all information about scans as well as system and version infos.
Needs very little system resources.
System requirements: Symbian 6.1 to Symbian 8.0, Series 60.
the virus definition upgrades for the first year are include

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  • antivir_mobile_1.0.zip
    156 KB · المشاهدات: 761
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