برنامج CCleaner Pro 4.06.4324 - تحميل CCleaner Pro 4.06.4324 - تنزيل CCleaner Pro 4.06.4324 - داون لود CCleaner Pro 4.06.4324 -CCleaner Pro 4.06.4324 Dwonload - آخر إصدار CCleaner Pro - جديد CCleaner Pro -CCleaner Pro 2013 -CCleaner Pro2014 -
CCleaner Professional / Business Edition 4.06.4324 Finalبرنامج fvkhl
البرنامج : CCleaner Business Edition
إصــــدار : v4.06.4324 Final
وظيفة البرنامج : تنظيف النظام و تحسين الأداء
حجـم البرنامج : 4.17 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني
{ملف التفعيل مرفق مع الملف}
نبذة عن البرنامج :
CCleaner Professional / Business Edition 4.06.4324 Finalبرنامج fvkhl
البرنامج : CCleaner Business Edition
إصــــدار : v4.06.4324 Final
وظيفة البرنامج : تنظيف النظام و تحسين الأداء
حجـم البرنامج : 4.17 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني
{ملف التفعيل مرفق مع الملف}
نبذة عن البرنامج :
CCleaner Business Edition هو أسهل طريقة لجعل جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك سريع و فعّال.
فإنه يجعل أجهزة الكمبيوتر تشغيل نظيفة وآمنة وسريعة!
إذا كان لديك جهاز كمبيوتر واحد أو عدة أجهزة ، أنشر CCleaner Business Edition في مكتبك
لتحسن كبير في فعالية وسلامة الكمبيوتر.
CCleaner a utility for cleaning the debris in the operating system. In the course of their work CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) is looking for and removes unused files. These include: cookies, history, visiting sites in IE, temporary Internet files, search strings, files, Recycle Bin, etc. Also search for temporary files of third-party applications: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Alcohol 120, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip, GetRight, Morpheus, Download Accelerator Plus, VirtualDub , ZoneAlarm and many others. Can be subjected to cleaning and registry Windows, ridding it of its unnecessary extensions of the old library dll and wrong ways, which accumulate in considerable quantities, especially after the installation and removal of a variety of programs.
CCleaner cleans the following components:
»Internet Explorer
"The Clipboard
"Temporary Windows files
"Windows Logs
"The list of recent documents (in the Start menu)
"The history of executed commands (Start)
"The history of the assistant search in Windows XP
"Obsolete Data Prefetch in Windows XP
"Memory dumps after crashes Windows
"Chkdsk file fragments
Advanced options allow you to clean:
"The cache priority menu
"Cash Tray posts
"The cache sizes and locations Windows
"The history of aid to the user
"IIS log files
"Additional Folders
From the outset, CCleaner developed a safe and secure program. It has several powerful levels of inspection, to be sure that no sensitive information or document would not be removed. We also guarantee that CCleaner does not have spyware or adware.
Privacy Policy:
For users, we also provide the function of permanently erasing files with multiple rewrites, which does not allow to restore them in any way.
Changes in CCleaner 4.05.4250 (26 Aug 2013):
- Added Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview support.
- Added Windows Event Log cleaning.
- Updated Intelligent Cookie Scanning.
- Improved behavior when removing System Restore points.
- Improved Windows XP last download location cleaning.
- Enhanced the File Finder function keyboard navigation.
- Improved privacy data cleaning for multiple users in Internet Explorer 11 (CCleaner Professional).
- Improved the time interval options for system monitoring (CCleaner Professional).
- Updated exception handling and reporting architecture.
- Added Adobe Premier Pro CC, OpenOffice 4, CuteFTP 9, and Directory Opus 10 cleaning.
- Improved Foxit Phantom PDF and QuickTime cleaning.
- Minor GUI improvements and bug fixes.
موقع البرنامج :
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تحميل البرنامج:
CCleaner Professional / Business 4.06.4324 (x86/x64) + Activator : 8.3 MB
من هنـــــــــــــا
توافق البرنامج :
إثبات الإصدار للبرنامج :
تحميل البرنامج:
CCleaner Professional / Business 4.06.4324 (x86/x64) + Activator : 8.3 MB
Piriform Team
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