Textbook of priceples of airway mangement


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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Principles Of Airway Management
Several books on the topic of airway management have been published.
We now have several algorithms to choose from when confronted with airway challenges.
A vast array of airway devices have been invented and the number of publications
on airway-related topics has increased exponentially. In 1988, none of us believed
that laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation would be obsolete in 25 years, and of
course we were correct. However, that may not be true 25 years from now, and the
discussions about that issue are already taking place.
We have seen a decrease in the incidence of airway tragedies in the United States
in recent years, judging by the declining number of Closed Claims cases involving
the airway. Perhaps this decline occurred because we have better equipment and
better ways of detecting and managing airway problems. Perhaps the introduction
of the LMA and other supraglottic devices has had some influence on these numbers.
However, despite the advances we have made, we continue to have our problems,
and there is no room for complacency.
When we first published this book, our intended audience was medical students.
We have since expanded the scope of the book to provide a reference for a much
broader readership. This book should now appeal to any physician or nonphysician
who has a primary interest in airway management.
What is so special about this edition? We have made a number of changes, many
of which were based on the critiques of the previous edition. Most of the illustrations
in this edition have been redrawn and are in color. We have also added two
new chapters, making this edition more comprehensive. This edition will also be
presented in both hard and soft cover. Last, but not the least, we have recruited Ban
Tsui MD, a known expert in pediatric airway management, to join us as a new
coauthor and share with us his knowledge of the airway.