محتاج مساعده لحل مسألة احتمالات ....ضروووري


New Member
انا اذاكر احتمالات ومرت علي عدة مسايل من ضمنها هذه
طبعا ادرس بالانجليزي، واتمنى لو احد يدلني على الحل لاني لم استطع حلها
سأتركها بالانجليزي لان متخوف من ترجمتها وفقدان المعنى
Hi all,
I'm practicing some probability problems and I came a cross this problem that I really couldn't figure out and I would appreciate your help

the problem is
A compounding pharmacy sells three different (and odd) strenghths of a drug: 13.5mg and 19.1mg and 15.9 mg. Let X be the strength of drug purchased by the next customer, and suppose X has a p.m.f (p(x) of 13.5=2, 15,9=.5, and 19.1=.3
calculate E(X), E(X2), V(X).
this one seems pretty straight forward just apply the equations.
b. If the price of an entire prescription of the drug having strength X is 25X-8.5, what is the expected price paid by the next customer?
c. what is the variance of the price 25X-8.5 paid by the next customer?
d. suppose that while the labeled strength of the drug is X, the actual strength is h(x)= X-0.1X2. What is the expected actual strength of the drug dispensed to the next customer.

Can anyone decode this problem

Many thanks
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