الطبعة الثالثة - سنة الاصدار 1972
عدد الصفحات 2364
صيغة الملف pdf
McGraw-Hill Book Company, I5BN: 07-001485-X
McGraw-Hill Book Company, I5BN: 07-001485-X
The American Institute of Physics Handbook has won wide acceptance among scientists and engineers. It is just such a degree of acceptance that has stimulated the issuance of this revised and updated third edition. This edition, like the previous two, continues the philosophy of supplying authoritative reference material-including tables of data, graphs, and bibliographies-selected and described with a minimum of narration by leaders in physical methods for research. Among the entirely new sections in this edition are those on nonlinear optics, calibration energies for alpha particles and gamma rays, nonlinear acoustics, atomic mass formulas, particle accelerator principles, atomic transition probabilities, electric and magnetic fields in the earth's environment, and far infrared. Examples of topics in which especially extensive revisions have been made are: optical masers, various optical constants, virial coefficients, heats of combustion and formation, and superconductors. A number of sections were completely rewritten; these include radioastronomy, radiometry, various crystal properties, molecular constants and hase transitions. The mathematics section now consists of a special treatment of 81 units and a bibliography that has been revised to include references to new methods, algorithms, and computer programs.